Oh, Hans, will you never ceise to amaze all of NG with your humour and wit? Nice framing / camera work throught the movie (it would be quite easy for you to leave the frame and ruin things) and very, very funny stuff. But why no naming of the "end credits" song? And how do those styrofome pieces taste? 0_o
Oh, and ignore the idiots that thought it was supossed to be a comercial. I would say to them, if every comercial was as good as that, marketing would rule the world!
Btw, nice jacket and hat. It's vitally important to always follow the following rules regarding such items of clothing:
Hat - Jacket = old
Jacket - Hat = boring
Jacket + Hat = neat
Leather Jacket + Fedora= omega level awsome!
Stickers: 0
Explain yourself.