"Good-bye Great Britain, Hello San Fag-cisco."
That's right, I arrived yesterday from what has to be a fantastic week of my life. Every London Meet just gets better and better. Thanks Lu. As totally fucking sweet it was hanging out with some old NGers (or N****rs), I have to say it was equally cool meeting new friends. It was a fun mixture of drinking, brainstorming, drawing, walking, drinking, talking, and Newgrounds. But what else is new with the NG meet-ups?
Most of the staff I had already seen at comic con, briefly though. Tim and Rob were two n00bies to my 'list of people I know' library. Although I didn't get to spend as much time with Tim (besides watching shape movies in Luis' bedroom), Rob I got to talk to quite a bit, and I can say he's the definition of 'Cool Person'. So being that he's the newest edition to the NG staff from what I recollect, let's give him a nice uber delayed welcome.
One of my favorite nights was the Karayoke Bar. Not only did we get to experience Tom Fulp shake his ass for Luka's camera to a funky song I can't remember the name of now, but I managed to make an ass of myself and Butcher the o' so glorious song 'Piano Man' by Billy Joel.
It was really hard for me to say good-bye that last day, after spending some time at the sports bar in the very loud Eagles/Cardinals game, Me, Nogfish, Sqeezy, Tom Vian, Rob, NegativeOne, Luis' sister and a couple others headed out for a more quiet pub and I had my last drink before meeting up with my uncle. It's hard saying good-bye to such good people. Especially when I know coming back home to California I got no friends waiting.
The day before I left I walked all around London, and I mean ALL around. It was beautiful, I sure am going to miss that place. Now I'm back home, and I've decided to have fresh start. Today is my new year, the 'official' start of it at least. A number of things really. My family and I are moving to a new house, not a small crammed apartment, a decent one in Berkeley. I'm getting this Comic book thing going because Tom Fulp gave me the green light on selling them in the NG store. I'm getting a new job, and a handful of projects.
And to really give myself a 'fresh start' feeling. I shaved my head.
oh btw, my old header with jesus tearing himself out of the cross was all sarcasm, I'm not really religious.
ur so religious >:3
anyways lucky i never got the chance to visit it D: