So I am back in SF from Barcelona, Spain.
The trip was totally awesome. Really refreshing and im readier than ever to get back here, get shit done, and move on.
As far as projects go, I'm really gonna buckle down on Ace Pilot ep1 and get that done asap. Among other things. But i really wanna get that done. It's like, a baby that needs to be born.
I'm honored to be a judge for the Tank awards this year, that's something really exciting. Just as exciting as it'll be to go to Philly on Pico Day and attend the event. Can't wait to see everyone at the office. This year looks like it'll be pretty damn packed. I'm interested to see how that pans out. I'll be going with Kevin (Buzzwerd) on the same flight and such to Philly.
Anyways, I hope a lot of people were made an ass of on April fools day. That's a comforting thought.
i was hoping for an awesome april fools but it was all like what