In case you hate playing games you can watch all the ace pilot cutscenes on youtube here.
I put each clip into a playlist and added a new ace scene change logo at the beginning of each one! Hel us spread the word! We're already working long and hard on episode two... very exciting cause thats when things get real interesting in the story. :)
remember to follow my blog and/or my twitter, i'll be starting up some live stream sessions pretty soon related to the process of ace. it'd be cool if you guys jump in and interact.
Also thanks for the great responses! it was our first big game and we've learned a lot from the experience. With that knowledge we plan on making each one better and better!
Seeing more making of stuff on your twitter would be awesome, man!
Wanna see how it's all going and how you go at it :D
awesome man! i'm excited to get that started